Introduction to Confederation of Taipei Trade Unions (CTTU)
Our establishment:
The Confederation of Taipei Trade Unions (CTTU) was established under the decision to break through the restrictions on the labor movement by Taiwan’s Labor Union Act at the time. One of the main purpose is to organize an independent regional union federation against the unions controlled by the government. CTTU was established on March 6, 1997. As of December 2023, there are 62 affiliates with approximately 35,000 members.
Our work:
CTTU insists that trade union should remain its own autonomy and actively participate in labor and social movement. The main initiatives during 2022 and 2023 are as follows.
1. Advocating for labor law revisions:
CTTU continues to advocate for various labor laws revision, including the Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act, the Gender Equality in Employment Act, the Minimum Wage Act, and the Special Act to protect platform workers.
2. Support for conclusion of collective bargaining agreements:
CTTU provides guidance to its affiliates on collective bargaining and agreements. Currently there are 10 affiliates concluded its CBA (collective bargaining agreement).
3. Sharing experience and build solidarity with affiliated unions:
CTTU shares its experience on organizing workers and provides administrative guidance to its affiliates. Every year, hundreds of labor training and lectures are conducted. The consultations, mediations, and lawsuits on labor disputes from affiliates are also resolved with CTTU’s support.
4. Policy advisors and committee members:
The president, vice president, and secretary general of CTTU are the members of the Taipei City Government’s Gender Equality Committee, Childcare System Committee, Ministry of Labor’s Labor Standards Council, and the labor court conciliation committee.
5. Major labor disputes in 2023:
CTTU supports the union of Taipei City Zoo fighting for wage increase for animal caretakers.
CTTU supports the union of Asia Pacific Telecom to conclude a severance pay program under the merger of Far East Telecom company and Asia Pacific Telecom company.
CTTU supports the union of dispatched workers, which includes the independent contract drivers in CPC (Chinese Petroleum Corp), to regularize their employment status.
CTTU organized a public event for the 2022 Taipei municipal election. A total of 4,000 union members were mobilized to witness three mayor candidates express their labor political opinions and signed a pledge.
Our contact information:
Address: 2F, No.184, Wanda Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : 886+ 223396172
FAX : 886+223396215
E-mail : cttumail@gmail.com
Facebook : 台北市產業總工會
台北市産業労働組合総連合会は、当時の台湾の旧労働組合法が労働運動に課していた制限を打破し、独立した労働運動の精神に基づいて地域労働組合連合会を組織することを決定し、2016年に設立されました。1997年3月6日現在、加盟組合は62組合、組合員数は約 35,000人です。
2022 年から2023年までの主な取り組みは次のとおりです。